Thursday, August 30, 2012

Aug 30 schedule

Today, a cycling day.
45 minutes, easy ride.
60 second, single leg drills x 8 sets. 60 second rest between sets.
10 minutes, easy ride.

Aug 29, training schedule

Tired on wednesday, still managed to swim 1500 metres.
yay me.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Aug 28 training schedule

I am actually stiff today, my bum is sore from all of the lunges and box jumps yesterday. I THOUGHT today was a swim. Hmmm, didnt read my schedule.

Today is a 55 minute run (roughly 10 km) and a core workout.
But, i'm doing it.
Photo: LOL, LLAP

Tri Mind fuel

After the zombie apocalypse, who is going to survive?
First rule of Zombieland? Cardio.

Aug 27-Training Schedule

Yesterday was an off/optional strength training day.
On my off days I do Crossfit. I love it.
Yesterday was the WOD, from Very cool, and kicked my ass. Whew!
For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Rope climb ascents

My time wasnt great. Crossfit junkies are doing this in like 20 min, it took me 40. Grrrr

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tri Mind fuel

What is it that keeps you motivated? When you are swimming, or biking, or running by yourself, and it starts to hurt, what makes you push through and keep going, and not quit?

I don't know what keeps me going? I just do.
One stroke after another, one hill after another, one step after another...
I have to keep going. I'm going to win......

Maybe its because I'm curious.
I don't look backwards for very long, curiousity keeps me moving forward, to see what is around the bend.
What new experience, what new scenery , what new friend is waiting for me up ahead?

"Keep moving forward", is my personal Tri mantra.


A pretty great weekend for training, the weather was perfect!!

Saturday: 1900m swim-various sets-lower intesity
Sunday: Track Run-7500m-low intensity

Felt good.
I mean, I feel really good.

Friday, August 24, 2012


Every week I battle guilt, and take a day off from training.
It's funny that I feel guilt about it.
I just seem to forget that the body is a machine, and that the machine needs maitenance every once in a while. (every week for me)

Its crucial for me to rest once a week.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thurs training sched

I am soo sore today.
Good thing today was a cycle day.
did an easy light day
20 km on the bike in just over 40 minutes.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tri mind fuel

It's doesnt matter why I entered the race.
The only thing that counts is why I take the next step, and my drive to reach the finish.

Aug 22-schedule-Just keep swimming

-100 m warmup
-main set of 2000 m in the pool.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tri Mind Fuel - Versus quote

I really like this one.

"There is only one rule you need to know about.
There are no second chances.

There is only this moment, then the next moment. Life is a series of moments.
Every moment is a test, that you get to take one time.
So, if you see an opening, tear into it.
If you get a shot at victory, make damn sure you take it.

Seize that moment, seize YOUR moment.
That moment is a crossroads where everything you want will collide with everything standing in your way.
You've got momentum at your back, fear and doubt are thundering like a freight train straight at you, and all you've got, the only difference between making history and being history, the only thing you can count on at any given moment

It's you vs. them.
You vs. no.
You vs. can't.
You vs. next year, last year, statistics, excuses.
It's you vs. history.
You vs. the odds.
It's you vs. second place.

The clock is ticking.
Let's see what you've got."

August 21 - training Sched

Upper body and core strength training.
light weights

The crossfit wod (workout of the day) for today is: (
For time:
135 pound Thruster, 15 reps
Run 200 meters
95 pound Thruster, 20 reps
Run 400 meters
65 pound Thruster, 30 reps
Run 800 meters

Sounds good

Monday, August 20, 2012

Aug 20 - training schedule

I am on a 12 week adaptation cycle, just gradually increasing distances.

Today I ran 8 km. relatively solid pace.

I have noticed that I need to fuel before I go, to get the best results.

I can't?

There is no can't in IRONMAN.
I know I can. There is no quit, hesitation or question.
The only thing up in the air is.....where do I put my M-dot tattoo?

40+ weeks till race day. Training program decided.

I have chosen a 37 week tri training program that spells everything out for me. I will be consulting with a coach, and I will be joining a masters swim program as well. The program starts in ernest on the 3rd week of September.

Its actually:
- 8 weeks of adaptation.Low intensity phase, adapting to training program. (going to do this, and then increase my workout loads from an age grouper average to a more elite level).
- 1 week active recovery - low intensity
- 6 weeks of increasing aerobic levels  Intensity and distance gradually increasing.
- 1 week of active recovery - low intensity
- 7 weeks of endurance, "going long."
- 1 week of active recovery - low intensity
- 7 weeks of competitive, most important training, the longest training days are here, race preparation in ernest.
- 1 week of active recovery - low intensity
- 4 weeks of taper, recovery and increasing muscle glycogen

Ironman Training start, my part-time job

Today, I am starting a new job. I have joked around on my FB that I am a professional triathlete. I'm not really.
I am not going to make any money doing what I do, but I have to approach my training like a career.
I have to show up every day, commit my self to the time, and try to enjoy it.

I still don't know which plan I am going to use.
I had a great swim yesterday.
For now, I'm going to ramp up my Ironman 70.3 training.

Present in my workouts

I have been thinking about the notion of "presence."

My mind is prone to wander. I'm a guy. I tend to  have other things enter my mind, and I

I am endeavoring to be present in my workouts.
When I swim, I am there. I am thinking about technique, my arms and legs, and my pace.
When I bike, I am in the correct aero position, the pace that works for me.
When I run, I am thinking about how i can be better.

It's alright to let your mind wander I suppose, to think about life, the universe, and everything.
But, I have to be "there."

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I think I can do it, become a tri-coach.
I have a degree in kinesiology.
I'm good with people.
But, I need street cred.
Need to do an Ironman?

I don't really need to become a coach. I am just hoping that I can become an example. There are a lot of people out there who could change their lives, like I did, one stroke, one pedal, one step at a time.

I am learning every day, the adage, "If you can do a Tri, you can do anything."
I can do anything.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Been on vacation for the last week.
What a great time.

Spent the last 3 days in my wetsuit. Open water swim practise. It's been so great.
I've been able to plan a fun vacation, and incorporate some good training.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mental Toughness

The last few months I have been on a quest for mental toughness. I find it when I'm in the saddle, or when I'm running that last km, and I have to dig down. Mental toughness comes.

But, how do I translate that to my life?

I have been going through a terrible time. The end of family, a marriage, the life of a parent....
How do I remain tough?

Many people say that if I can do a triathlon, I can do anything.
I don't know if that is true.
It is true, but I just don't know it yet.

How do I learn to translate that triathlon moment, where you have to dig down deep and put pain out of your mind, to my real life where I am so hurt, and bruised, and torn emotionally?
They say, "Pain is weakness leaving the body." I believe that.
Time for weakness to leave.

Tri Mind Fuel - quotes i like

Sometimes it helps me to have a simple sentence in my mind, like a mantra, for when the going gets tough. Here are a few I have found and used.

-"The only easy day was yesterday"

-"Pain is about seeing how strong you are mentally."

-"The answer is hard work. What are you doing on Christmas Eve? Are you riding your bike? January 1st - are you riding your bike?"- Lance Armstrong

-"This is about limits. Reaching them, exploring them, exceeding them what you thought yours were. Coming to the conclusion that there aren't any limits."- 

I'm in love.....

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

IronKeith Training Secret

I think I have some training secrets. Don't tell anyone.

1) Schedule - I will schedule my workouts, so that I can focus solely on being in my moment, and find improvement.
2) Priority- My workout becomes my priority. If I have scheduled correctly, 
Tri priority becomes easy. 
I have a rule. My schedule doesnt change. Last minute doesnt work for me. If I have a 90 minute ride planned, I have to ride. Nothing else is more important.
3) No quitting - If I have scheduled a workout goal, I have to see it through.
If I have a 10 k run scheduled, I run 10 k, no negotiation.
4) Sleep - I hit my pillow early. I cant say the last time I have willingly seen midnight.
5) Nutrition and Hydration - Treat each training session like a race. Eat and drink properly before, during, and after your workout. My shortest training run is 10 k. I have to feed my body to be able to do the distances.

Training Sched - Aug 14

Today was one of those days when life catches up, and I can't seem to get done the things I really want.
I am going away for a mental health break, and I'm looking forward to it, but i couldnt get my workout in today.

However, going to a beautiful mountain town, taking my wetsuit, and I'm going to do some open water swimming. 

When I get back, I start my training in earnest. 

Tri Mind Fuel

I really like this quote.

“Fact One: Races are won or lost in key moments. 
Fact Two: Success in the sport is, above all else, about enduring suffering.” 
 Chris McCormack, I'm Here To Win: A World Champion's Advice for Peak Performance

It's the truth, the sport is about "enduring suffering". I have become very good at this type of "endurance".

Monday, August 13, 2012

Anything is possible.

One of the benefits of doing something incredibly hard, is that it makes the other challenges of your life not seem so great.
Climb a mountain?
Do a triathlon?
Then, in your mind you can say, "If I can do this, I can do anything...."

One challenge attained creates momentum for the next challenge, for any challenge.
Start small, attain goals, and the momentum will drive you forward.

Tri Mind Fuel-2011 Kona

A chance to see what you are made of on THIS day. Limits will be reached.
I love NBC's coverage, it motivates me. When I train, I hear the narrator talking in my mind.

I want Mike Rowe to narrate my race someday. That would be very cool.

Training sched-Aug 13

Today was typically an off-day. Mondays always are.
Just feeling down, needed to move.

Did a quick 1000 m in the pool, just a stretch. Was happy time-wise, did it in about 20 minutes.

Felt energized, and happy after.

Today was the first day I felt like I was looking forward to June 23.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tri Mind Fuel - Mental Toughness

Triathlon is about mental toughness. 
I have found 4 steps that apply to training, and especially to race day.

Here are the "Big Four" mental skills taught to Navy SEALs, that make my Tri experience so much better:
1) Goal-setting. 
I don't mean "crossing the finish line, or losing weight". I mean, "How are you going to get through the next half hour, How are you going to climb that hill, how are you going to handle T2, "? Turns out that this close-focused goal-setting is a key to peak performance anywhere. One major way to combat stress is to NARROW YOUR FOCUS to the immediate future.

2) Mental rehearsal, or Visualization. 
Imagine over and over doing something you may be anxious about? I get anxious about T1 transition, a mass swim start, climbing hills on my bike, etc. Take a moment now, and give this a try. So, I imagine over and over getting out of the water, and getting out of my wetsuit. I see what it will be like when I do that thing successfully and easily. I notice how my body feels and what I hear and smell. I do this over and over again. 
3) Take Charge of Your Self Talk. 
We are constantly talking to ourselves, at a rate that is many times the speed of normal speech. So when you notice something negative say "Stop!" or "Cancel!" and then create your own "cheering section" to be your encouraging chorus. "You can do it" – "This is easy!" "Forget that hill – focus on the next one!"

4) Arousal Control. 
This skill is used to calm the physical symptoms of panic. You know, the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, sudden cold sweats or hot spells.
You control this response with deliberate breathing. I need this before the start.
So, INHALE DEEPLY (for a count of six), hold it for a count of two, then exhale for a count of six, emptying your lungs. Do this three times.
It will become your instant stress control and will lower your blood pressure and flood your brain with oxygen, increasing your ability to be cool before the race.

Nutrition idea

Have you ever heard of "Paleo for Athletes?"
It's an eating plan I have been considering. 

The basic premise of paleolithic nutrition is that certain foods are optimal for humans and others are non­optimal. The optimal foods are those that we have been eating for most of our time on Earth—more than 4 million years. Only in the last 10,000 years, a mere blink of the eye relative to our species’ existence, have we been eating non­optimal foods. Unfortunately, these foods comprise the bulk of what western society eats today and include such foods as grains, dairy and legumes. Given that our bodies have not changed, we are simply not well­adapted to these non­optimal foods and they moderate health and peak performance.

A critique of this diet is the amount of animal protien that is eaten, about 65%.

Just thinking about it.
I have a lazy mentality about food, I really need to focus on nutrition.

Training Sched. Aug 12

Today was my first semi-long run since my Ironman 70.3 a few weeks ago. Just did 10k, with  a fairly ok pace.
I'm not sure how I proceed now. I have to get my new training going. I have like 8 months till Ironman.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


I love crossfit.
How can I incorporate crossfit into ironman?


Been wondering about coaching?
I have spent the last 4 years coaching myself.
I have even coached others who are now loving the sport.

I have used an Internet download program (from triathlongeek). It has worked really well for me.
 I have totally trained on my own. I have a degree in kinesiology, so I understand the principles of training.
I understand the basics of how the body grows, and the requirements of training. Totally self taught, and self coached.

I am just wondering, taking it up to the next level, do I need the motivation and guidance from a coach?

Tri Mind Fuel - Quotes

Tri is a mental game.
I have found quotes that motivate and push me past the mental barrier.
I borrowed this one, I love it.

"I train...not for the podium. Not for the medals. Not for the status. I train for me. For the passion. For the desire. For the knowledge that I will: Learn from yesterday. Live for today.... Never give up."

Training Sched.

Did an easy ride today. 40km.
Rode with a friend.
easy pace.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Training Sched.

Today was an easy swim. I havent really decided on an Ironman training schedule yet. Still following my old schedule, 
so today
2000 meters, under 50 minutes. Actually about 45 minutes.

It's Official

It's official.

Sunday June 23, 2013
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 
Swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, run 26.2 miles; brag for the rest of your life.

I'm entered. 
Ironman 140.6

I'm scared.

I have been thinking about this for some time. I have been working up to this since 2008.

I set a goal in the winter of 2007, when I was grossly overweight, that I would do an Ironman by the time I turn 50. It was an outrageous goal at the time, almost flippant.
But, I ran my first sprint tri in 2008, after dropping almost 100 pounds.
The next year, 2009, I entered an Ironman 70.3. (Half Ironman)
I ran in that race every year since, 
getting stronger, 
feeling comfortable,
and perhaps hiding there.
I forgot my goal of Ironman.

As well, there has been a bit of stress over the past few years. Luckily, triathlon kept me grounded.

Dad died in 2009. (still dealing)
Separated from a distant spouse in 2010. (denial, denial, denial)
Ended a terrible marriage in 2012. (in the process as we speak)
Felt alone for 3 years. (even now, i feel that pain)
All the while, i had that next swim, that next bike, that next run scheduled. Kept me going. Kept me sane. Gave my mind a place to be, other than focussing solely on the pain I was feeling. For me, racing has become life. I recieved so much joy, and growth, and benefit.

With every benefit comes a challenge, I suppose.

So, as time passed, I lost a bit of myself along the way. 
I lost that part of me that sought a challenge, that looked for growth. 
Rather than grow, I became content to just tread water. I didnt move forward, i didnt move backward.
I just sat in 1 spot.
I developed an endurance, a tolerance to my emotional pain.
The races i entered were once a year. I trained lazily. I abused my body with poor food choices.
The training and racing became relatively easy, I knew what to expect, I knew I could finish. 
I was stuck, in every sense.
I was in my comfort zone in my racing, I was in a comfort zone in my life. Stagnation.

No more .

Today, I remembered my triathlon goal from so many years ago, an Ironman distance race before I'm 50. I also remembered my life goals from so many years ago. 
Goals of personal happiness, and love, and connectedness.
Just turned 48.......time to shake things up.

So, road trip in June.

Over the next few months, I will learn, and grow, and develop as an ironman athlete, and personally, as a man, a father, a companion, and a future spouse. (No solid marriage plans, not an engagement announcement or anything.)

I will keep you up to date with everything.

My training.
My equipment.
My food.
My life.

cheers, and remember....

If you are an ounce more devoted than you are afraid, you can do anything!